a formal introduction.

So, to be fair, I haven't really been as open as I probably should've been, so here is a true formal introduction to me:

My name is Chip. I was born on May 2, 2010. Chip isn't my birthname, but I think it fits well. I am currently 14. I made this site out of pettiness, I'll be honest. That's a long story, however. After a long time, I realized this site became much more than a petty thing, as it turned into a fun project for me to talk to people with (12 year old me was kinda dumb), and then into a huge extension of me. It's became so big I freak out when people talk about my site in real life, which is funny to me. I realized that I have made so much on neocities, and I've even made a webcomic. I wrote this because I think you all should know me more. This is kinda getting offtopic, so back to me. I am a taurus, I don't know my other signs because knowing exactly when you are born is kinda like hard to remember. I love to learn about math, psychology, biology, plants, video games, and so much more. I like a lot of things to be honest. I love to make friends! Send me an email. I'm always open to emails. Honestly, I covered my whole gender and sexuality in my less formal about me (which I still like), so, yeah. I do want to say I am Jewish, so thats why you will see references to me being Jewish and Jewish things. I am also the silliest of billies, hehe. I may make a page about my mascot.

DNI? I don't got one!

Dni's don't serve me a lot of purpose, to be honest. Anyone can be my friend. I love learning about different ideas and things. Just please don't be too mean! I don't wanna lash out at all and hurt anyone.

A big thank you.

Finally, I just wanted to say thank you all. You all have made me get better, believe it or not. I am no longer a crybaby about different ideas, lol. I feel a lot more like me, even if I don't know who I am yet. Again, thank you all. And to another two years of being silly!